Mister England 2017 is Jack Eyers.

The New Mister England 2017 is Jack Eyers.

The 28-year-old personal trainer and model defeated the odds and hopes to become Mr World next year.
Male model becomes first amputee to win Mr England. He is going to compete in Mr World.
He said: “The last five years I have made it my mission to raise the profile of disability in the fashion industry and to become a role model for other amputees and disabled people. “I feel very strongly that Mr England is not just a beauty pageant, it is all round.”

2017-07-14_5646 1441557_10152541571297129_5065258242432757623_n 10389244_10152507112672129_180411362368531532_n 10492137_10152656254042129_6470168938981261150_n 10698714_10152417608487129_3289799484788397851_n 14570501_10153976827777129_7748648428135679487_n 18527611_10154580654832129_4333354348331996780_n 20046802_10154770854697129_7577374958317261802_n 20768206_10154839567942129_1694646226921505943_n


Marc fit, a fitness model from Canada.

Mister China 2017 is Jianbiao Ruan.